
All projects

A collection of projects carried out by Shayan Building Modern Construction Company


Restoration and renovation

A collection of renovation and restoration projects carried out by Shayan Building Modern Construction Company


Demolition and renovation

The collection of demolition and renovation projects carried out by Shayan Building Modern Construction Company


All projects

A collection of projects carried out by Shayan Building Modern Construction Company


Restoration and renovation

A collection of restoration and reconstruction projects by Shayan Building Modern Construction Company


Demolition and renovation

The collection of demolition and renovation projects carried out by Shayan Building Modern Construction Company


تاریخچه شایان ابنیه

شرکت ساختمانی شایان ابنیه مدرن با بیش از 20 سال سابقه فعالیت در زمینه ساخت و ساز، معماری، تخریب و بازسازی، مرمت سازی بنا ها همیشه خدمت رسان هموطنان عزیز بوده است.

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